All Saints Parish Boiler Replacement Energy Assessment and Design

Location: Syracuse, NY
Owner: All Saints Parish
Services Provided:
Energy Assessment
Design and Construction Administration
The Bishop Harrison Center Boiler Replacement project includes an energy assessment and design for replacement of the facility’s steam boiler with a hydronic boiler, removal of the steam piping and steam to water heat exchanger, and installation of a hydronic boiler loop to feed to zone pumps. Popli Design Group (PDG) performed the energy assessment, detailed design, and construction administration.
The energy assessment includes a Basis of Design report describing the design approach and evaluation of the different boiler replacement options with pros/cons, energy and cost estimate, and simple payback analysis. The energy team conducted a walk-through survey, assessed the four boiler replacement options with implementation considerations, estimated energy savings based on utility bills, selected boilers, provided system schematics for detailed design, and delivered the assessment report with recommendations.
Closely working with the owner and design team, PDG presented four proposed design options with scope of demolition and new work, estimated project cost and available incentives, energy consumption estimate and simple payback, and system design and construction considerations, respectively. As a result of collaboration among all stakeholders, the system option of non-condensing dual hot water boilers was recommended by the energy team, and consequently designed and constructed. The building has been converted to all hydronic systems and updated controls, resulting in decent energy savings and minimum disruption to building operations and maintenance during the project construction.