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Little Italy Colonnade GIGP Project 

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Location: Greece, NY

Owner: Monroe County

Services Provided: 

Highway Design

The intent of the project was to expand the city’s “pedestrian greenway” in the Little Italy Business District. This included adding approximately 800 feet of new sidewalk, expanding an existing parking area, and providing enhanced crosswalks to improve safety and establish a neighborhood identity. Installing the sidewalk and expanding the parking lot required construction of a new 800 foot long retaining wall. Parking lanes and crosswalks were delineated with curb bump-outs. Decorative pedestrian-level street lights and fencing enhance the streetscape.

Several innovative features were included in the design. The expansion of the parking lot used porous asphalt pavement to promote infiltration and reduce stormwater runoff. A bioswale was installed between the sidewalk and retaining wall, which captures runoff from the roadway and provides quality treatment and infiltration. In-pavement lighting systems installed at two mid-block crossings improves pedestrian visibility and safety at night.

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