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North Division Street Bridge Replacement 

Location: Auburn, NY

Owner: City of Auburn

Services Provided: 

Bridge Design

Highway Design


Construction Inspection

ABCD WNY 2020 Bridge Design Award Winner

ACEC NY 2021 Engineering Excellence Award

Built in 1964, the preexisting North Division Street Bridge over the Owasco River was structurally deficient as a three span pre-stressed concrete box beam bridge. The bridge was narrow and poorly aligned with the intersection immediately south of the structure. The project replaced the existing bridge with a wider, two span continuous steel multi-girder bridge constructed on an improved horizontally curved alignment. The bridge features decorative bridge railings and light fixtures, as well as form-lined concrete to match the existing stone walls in the project area. The new alignment corrects the existing intersection alignment problem, improving the level of service and safety. The project also includes the addition of an additional turn lane at NYS Routes 5 and 20, the reconstruction of an at-grade railroad crossing, and the construction of a node for the Owasco River Greenway Trail. 

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