Crushing the Code NYS

On May 12th, the 2020 Energy Conservation Construction Code of New York State went into effect, and there isn’t a “transition period” for the Energy Code. Chonghui Liu (CL), our Team Leader for Energy Services, will have the pleasure of joining Urban Green Council for a training session of the new 2020 NYS Energy Code called “Crushing the Code” on June 11. “Crushing the Code” has trained almost 1,000 architects and engineers on how to comply with the new Energy Code so far this year. CL will provide the training with a focus on Section C403 Mechanical Systems, C404 Service Water Heating, C405 Electrical Power and Lighting Systems, C407 Total Building Performance, and C408 System Commissioning. He has been a Mechanical Subcommittee Voting Member of ASHRAE Energy Standard 90.1 since 2016, and he has contributed to publication of ASHRAE Energy Standard 90.1-2019.